My Portfolio is Live!

Hello - welcome to my portfolio!
Over the last few weeks, I built the site that you’re currently looking at from the ground up. I’m going to give a much more detailed explanation of how it was all put together in a separate post in a few days, but here’s a sampling of what I used:
- Jeyll - a static site generator
- Liquid - an HTML templating language
- SASS - an extension language of CSS that provides a lot of new features that can make stylesheets much cleaner
- Gulp - a JavaScript task runner I used for automatic thumbnail generation
- BEM - a naming convention for CSS meant to standardize the names of classes (I also used it for image names on the site)
This post largely serves as a placeholder until the full write-up goes up.
Putting together my portfolio served as a nice reminder of the details of the larger projects I’ve done in the past. In some ways, it’s a bit of a confidence booster to both remember some of the intricacy of past projects, as well as see how much you’ve actually learned in a fairly short amount of time.
I hope you enjoy the site!