Smash Bros at WSU Ads and Social Media

During my freshman year of college, I helped start Smash Bros at WSU, a student organization at Washington State University that hosts weekly events and monthly tournaments for games in the Super Smash Bros. series.
Shortly after joining the club committee at the start of 2014, I tried out designing advertisements for club events. With free ad services available for student organizations, I was able to display my work in various places across campus - and after doing so, we saw a steady rise in participant count at our events, roughly doubling by the end of 2015.
The primary goal of my designs was to both create something visually “striking” in a way befitting of competitive gaming, but also something bright and inviting to attract people who are dedicated to video games, but maybe view competitive gaming communities as generally exclusive - or even unfriendly toward newcomers. I’d always suspected that there were a fairly decent number of people who fit this description - especially at a university - and so I kept this in mind while designing.
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